Prevent Heat Stress Illness

Heat-related illnesses or death are preventable if you follow a few simple steps.

  • Stay in an air-conditioned area during the hottest hours of the day. If you don't have air conditioning in your home, go to a public place such as a shopping mall or a library to stay cool.聽Air conditioning is the strongest protective factor against heat-related illness. Exposure to air conditioning for even a few hours a day will reduce the risk for heat-related illness.
  • Cooling stations and senior centers are also available in many large cities for people of all ages ( is a list for centers in New York City).
  • Wear light, loose-fitting clothing.
  • Drink water often.
  • Don't wait until you are thirsty.
  • Avoid unnecessary hard work or activities if you are outside or in a building without air-conditioning.
  • Avoid unnecessary sun exposure.
  • When in the sun, wear a hat, preferably with a wide brim.聽

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